"Diaper wisdom:
Diaper sprayers are way better than dunking your diapers in the toilet. AIO's take forever to dry but are easiest to put on the baby.
One size diapers are best on the budget and if you have more than one kid in diapers. Covers with double gussets hold newborn poo in much better."
I have enjoyed reading all the cloth diaper wisdom and questions. I will be posting all the questions soon for a Q&A session...you are all invited to join in :D.

In collaboration with FuzziBunz we are giving away a 3 pack of Perfect Size Diapers on our blog and a single Perfect Size Diaper (in your choice of in-stock size/color) on our Facebook fan page, so make sure to enter at both sites!
FuzziBunz® boasts, "A better diaper for a better planet". Stay-at-home-mom, Tereson Dupuy, invented FuzziBunz in January 1999 in response to her infant son's chronic diaper rash and her overall dissatisfaction with all available diapers. Tereson stitched the first FuzziBunz in her home and a short time later, the FuzziBunz diapering movement was born. FuzziBunz® are made to stay strong for years and years – saving you money and hassle!
FuzziBunz® diapers are the workhorse of all reusable diapering systems. Made with only the finest and most innovative materials, the stylish three-layered patented FuzziBunz® design works hard to keep your babies' bottoms dry and rash-free… always! I trust and use FuzziBunz in and out of the house. They fit great and are easy to use. I have found that the inner fleece layers stays nice and soft, even when hung out to dry. The colors are beautiful, I especially love the purple daisy print and always get a comment on how cute it is!
Here is your chance to win a 3 pack to get you started in your cloth diaper journey or to add to your current stash. Either way, you can't go wrong, FuzziBunz are here to stay!

To Enter the 3 pack Perfect Size giveaway:
(Leave a separate comment for each entry)
1)leave me a comment giving me a piece of your cloth diaper wisdom or if you have never tried cloth before and there is some burning question you have, ask here.
2)Follow my blog or become a fan on facebook (or both). If you already do these things, leave a comment saying so.
3)Tweet or blog about the giveaway and leave a link to it.
*The blog winner and the facebook winner will be drawn by Random.org on June 30th at 9pm and announced soon after.
Thanks for participating and Good Luck!!
I don't necessarily have any cloth diaper wisdom other than a caution that it becomes addictive! I started almost a year ago, and just love them. My babies' bottoms are healthier and my wallet is certainly grateful as well.
I guess the only other advice I would give would be to invest in a wetbag and a diaper sprayer, these two things make the mess much more bearable.
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Diaper wisdom -- if you have a front loading machine add a wet towl to "trick" your washer into adding more water which will help in getting your diapers cleaner!
And I agree with the above statements... it's addicting! Diaper Sprayer is a MUST!
Wisdom... find the style of diapers that daddy will be willing to change and make sure there are always a few on the changing table.
A diaper sprayer is soooo much better than swishing.
Cloth diapering is so much easier than I thought it would be! All the new styles (pockets, AIO's) even make it easy for my mom and husband. I even love doing diaper laundry and folding all the fluff!
The only downside is not being able to buy everything cute that I want and having to limit myself. :(
I'm fairly new to cloth diapers, so I don't have much wisdom to share about them yet. I did just get a diaper sprayer though and it is so much better than dunking the dirty diapers!
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I've learned that just because one diaper works great for one child and parent does not mean it will work great for you and you really have to try the diapers before you can decide what you want to build your stash with!
I tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2283696368
Cloth Diaper Wisdom:
I have a front loading washing machine and after much research learned the best way to clean my CD's.
Wash on cold (with or without Charlie's Soap).
Wash on hot with Charlie's Soap on Heavy Duty Cycle and extra rinse.
Once a month clean INSERTS with soap and 20 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract.
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Be sure to wash and dry at least a couple times before using to ensure good absorbancy!!
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Even the CD safe diaper creams need to be applied thinly to prevent staining.
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i do not have much wisdom as i have only been CDing for about 5 weeks now. I love it. I always sun my dipes once a week to keep them white and fresh looking. Then ill pop them in the dryer for 20 min to fluff em up.
I have never cloth diapered and wondered how long prepping the diapers from start to finish.......how long does it take to clean the diapers?
I've only been doing CD for about 5months now. I love my sprayer and storing my inserts separate from the covers. The covers absorb less moisture & smell this way!
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I have been cloth diapering for 1 1/2 years now, on two kids, and I love it! I have learned that daily washing keeps the smell down :)
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I love hanging my diapers out on the line to dry. They smell so nice and the sun bleaches out any stains.
I'm a facebook fan and follow your blog. Oh and a little wisdom, The diaper sprayer can be your best friend. It totally helps with stains and stink!!
My little wisdom is that finding the right diaper detergent can make cd'ing so much better. :)
wisdom: i love using vinegar to help against stink. :) and it disinfects nicely. **i actually use vinegar for our clothes too, i think it gets softer than regular softners**
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I have only recently started cloth diapering but I already know that I love Charlie's Soap and highly recommend it. It gets everything clean and lasts for so long. I even use it on our clothes now.
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Hmm, the best advice I have is to use this summer heat to your advantage. The sun is great at removing stains, and everything is drying fast in this heat.
I think everything has been pretty much mentioned. I find it best to not even keep disposable diapers in the house, if I have them I will use them.. We have AIO and pockets that we use when we are out of the house, they are easier than a diaper and cover and since they aren't as bulky baby fits better in the carseat.
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My daughter is 4.5 mos old, but I have already convinced 2 other friends to jump into cloth diapers because it is so easy! I just tell people that it isn't like when we were kids with the pins and plastic pants, but it is easy and not smelly at all (for now at least).
I've only been CDing for 2 months, but my little tidbit of wisdom would be: diapers smell less in an open pail than in a closed one!
I am new to cloth diapering but I guess a burning question I have is how many should I pack when we go out? Or should I use a specific diaper?
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Wisdom: try different styles before you commit to one. You might be surprised that a style you thought wasn't for you really is.
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I'm blogging about your giveaway at http://daydreamingofstamps.blogspot.com/2009/06/diaper-style-blog-giveaway.html
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I am new to CD so I cannot tell any of my wisdom. But I can say that I will be CDing my little one as soon as we will come home from hospital. In fact, I am pretty sure I will put a CD on her/him for the trip home! ;o)))
I just can't wait!
I would say that if you're really in it to save money, there are several things you just don't need. I just bought a travel wet bag with swagbucks, but otherwise all I have are diapers. No pail liner, no diaper sprayer, etc. I LOVE to cloth diaper. We took walmart bags with us everywhere for our diapers. It just depends on what you're in it for. :)
gitrecca at gmail dot com
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gitrecca at gmail dot com
Words of wisdom.....make sure you are aware of wht detergents and creams are acceptable with your diapers! I practically ruined a dozen diapers because I didn't take the time to learn!
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My piece of diaper wisdom is to find a detergent that works for you and don't go too long between washes. I'm using Jenny's Simply Clean laundry detergent, made by a mom in OK and I love it for my diapers. She also makes a really good pail freshener.
And my piece of wisdom is usually about washing them, since that seems to be what most people are worried about when thinking about trying cloth diapering.
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hmm wisdom. Don't start out cloth diapering with only one-size diapers, it may be good in theory (buy once type of thing), but you also have to buy newborn diapers since OS diapers don't fit newborns well enough, and you will probly need to buy night diapers (especially if you have a heavy wetter/side sleeper like me! lol)
That's my best piece of wisdom!
Melissa Phinney
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Melissa + Samara
I've been cd'ing my baby for 4 months now and I Love it! He's little bottom is so healthy. The only advice I have is rinse, rinse, rinse! I've had no stains using Tide and with extra rinses, they've stayed absorbant and fresh.
I follow Diaperstyle on Facebook.
I'm still very new to cloth diapering, only about a month in. My burning question is there a detergent that is free of dyes, and perfumes that will be efficient, but also friendly to my diapers that I can find in say, Target, or my local grocery store? I live in an area with NO natural food stores. :(
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i'm a mum to be and have been working on my stash. My question is when did you start using CD's??? right away or did you have to wait a few months after baby is born??
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My bit of cloth diapering wisdom is to connect with other CD'ing mamas out there. No matter what problem you've had, some other mama has dealt with it and probably has some suggestions or ideas to help. And all the Cd'ing mamas I've talked to LOVE to help and promote cloth diapering. Join a CDing group or get on a site like diaperswappers to get started!
I'm new to cloth diapering (we're expecting our first and I'm trying to build a stash) but here's my burning question... How the heck do I convince my hubby that it's the best way to go? I'm all over cloth diapers but he remembers his younger siblings having cloth diapers when he was a kid and all he remembers is the bad smell from the diaper pail!
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I have some wisdom about line drying. I love my diapers best when I dry them for 20-30 minutes in the dryer before I hang them on the line. They are much softer than fluffing them after pulling them off the line.
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1) My cloth diapering wisdom is limited since I am fairly new to it, but when you leave the baby with someone please make sure they know not to throw the dipaer away!! My mother in law handed thought she threw one away when I picked up the baby - ended up they laid it on the dresser.
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Link to the blog about the contest
After only 4 months of CDing my only advice is to resist buying a bunch of new diapers at once. It may save you a few dollars to buy in bulk but if you don't end up liking them you will quickly loose that savings and more by trying to unload them!
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Cloth diaper wisdom I learned as I went along, but wish I knew when I began:
a)A Diaper Sprayer makes the job so much easier. It's a must. I have a small sink in the baby's room too (the room used to be a kitchen before it was converted to a nursury).
b) Learn about stripping diapers early on. I didn't know I had to do this, but learned when super absorbent diapers weren't cutting it.
I follow this blog and on FB too.
My wisdom: don't be afraid to ask questions! When I first started I aksed sooo many moms who had been before me and they were so helpful!
The second tip: give advice back to new cloth diapering families when you are comfortable enough with your CD routine
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I'm expecting my first, so very new to cloth....my burning question is.... how do most people wash them?
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I talked about this on my twitter page. globe_trotter
I am new too and was curious as to others washing routines - hot, cold both?, what detergent is best? line dry or dryer?
Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway!
cloth wisdom: diaper sprayers make poopy diapers sooooo much easier!
to amy who asked questions: i use warm water to wash unless i am stripping then it is got, i use all free & clear and have never had an issue and i machine dry with an occasional line dry just to get some sun to them in case of stains :-)
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Leaving your diaper pail open will actually reduce odors!!
My cloth diaper wisdom is check craigslist! I found a huge stash of diapers on there for a fraction of the cost to buy all new. It's a great way to get cheaper diapers, especially if you are just starting out like I was, and you don't know which ones will work best for you.
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We've not tried cloth yet, but am hoping to try a few on my almost 2 year old and see how we like them... We may be having another and I'd like to know if I can handle cloth!
My question would be, what's the best way to handle the poopy ones? AND, does the cost of not buying disposables outweigh the cost of washing cloth?
garyandalesha at cox dot net
I've tried 2 other cloth brands that didn't work for us. I've heard Fuzzibunz are a good fit for a super soaker with chubby legs. I would love to try them out.
I posted on my blog about it (http://eowyns-heir.blogspot.com/2009/06/fuzzibunz-diaper-giveaway.html)! I can't wait to start cloth diapering; I've got my first on the way!
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I'm pregnant with my first so new to cloth. My burning question is what do you include in a good newborn diaper stash? I am interested in having a variety of diapers. I plan to breastfeed and the diapers need to be fairly daddy-fairly since I need to return to work fairly quickly.
disposable biodegradable flushable liners made cloth diapering 1000 times easier!
my contact info: gill.jin (at) gmail (dot) com
I am brand new to cloth diapering but one thing that helped me was buy about 6 different brand diapers to try on my baby. I then was able to narrow it down to 2 daytime diapers and 1 nighttime style that worked for me.
I too would have to agree that cloth diapering is addictive :)
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Diaper wisdom:
Diaper sprayers are way better than dunking your diapers in the toilet. AIO's take forever to dry but are easiest to put on the baby.
One size diapers are best on the budget and if you have more than one kid in diapers. Covers with double gussets hold newborn poo in much better.
I don't have any wisdom. I just started CDing my daughter this week. My current question is when do the dreaded stinkies start?
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My question is how exactly do you wash them? What detergents do you use?
I am so glad I came accross your blog, I'm now a huge fan of it! So cool that you're giving away cloth diapers. You rock! Cloth diapers are the best!
Love CDing so much! Its been easier to do than I ever expected. My words of wisdom is: You really can have too much stuffing! I was having a nighttime leak issue, and come to find out it was because i was cramming TO MUCH in the pocket diaper I was using and it clobbered its absorbency. I've gone back to a single liner and have been leak free for 2 weeks. PHEW!
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Diaper wisdom......
I have not read all of the comments so I don't know if have any wisdom that has not already been shared! If you use cloth part time, like me, and find yourself using the disposables more often, just jump right back into your cloth! It is easy to get back into the cloth routine!
I recently started using cloth on my 21 month old daughter & my 2 month old son and I love it! A few tips that I've learned so far are....
-Don't rely on flushable inserts to hold up too long before they start to dissolve! Wet poo starts breaking down the liners quickly.
-Lanolin is an awesome butt cream replacement that's cloth safe since it melts & dissolves in the wash. It works SO well for my daughter's eczema that crops up in the diaper area!
-Diaper sprayers = life savers :) Makes cloth so much more daddy friendly!
-When using AI2s, like GroBaby diapers, changing the snap in liner takes a minute so bring along a toy or book to keep you child occupied and less likely to run off.
Hi! Just found your blog and the lovely giveaway--now CDing my 2nd child and I think adjustable pocket dipes are RAD.
cloth diaper wisdom- do not assume your husband knows to stuff the pocket before putting the diaper on the child. even if you've told him.
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